Juan can be counted on to excuse and defend almost every idiotic liberal person or idea except, unlike many liberals, he has integrity and won't excuse or defend the indefensible. One such case was the attack on Rush Limbaugh. It was his stance that the attacks on Rush Limbaugh were wrong is what led Warren Ballentine to call him a "porch monkey."
That was the LAST STRAW for Juan Williams and he took Ballentine to task. But the story can be better told by these video clips than my keyboard.
Warren Ballentine calls Juan Williams a "Porch Negro"
Juan Williams strikes back
Juan Williams
Bill O'Reilly talks to Juan Williams
Juan Williams experiences with the Liberal Left has opened Juan's eyes to what everyone on the Right already knew. There is nothing tolerant about the Left. They do not accept any words, opinions, actions or indeed thoughts that are contrary to their ideology. The Liberal/Left will demonize anyone who disagrees with them; even their own.
I don't know what the Moonbat blogs and so-called 'news' shows on the Demwitted Networks are saying about Juan, but I'll bet what is being thrown at him is not nearly as bad as what Right-Wing Blacks have gotten. But either way, Juan is in good company... Condi Rice, JC Watts, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele...
Some of the examples of liberal vile is disgusting that I can't post them even as examples of what we are fight against. (Eph 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.)
This video was shot by WKRN Video Journalist Beau Fleenor at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee. The Question: "Rev. Al Sharpton, Do you believe that political leaders such as Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell are viewed as "house Negroes" by other African Americans, by going along with the President against their beliefs?"
Condi is tired she needs a time out exercise. It’s Ladies Week at the Cabin and she’s the first house niggette to check in. She is very proud of her achievements -Condi doesn’t want to hear anything about this black stuff. It’s bores her! She is invited to a Shindig held in the Cabin by the Fox News and Friends. The Cabin Landlord Sean Hannity is the host of this gala event. He greets Condi and tells her how proud he is to be in her presence.
Condi is introduced to Michael Steele, Colin Powell, Larry Elder, Prince, Jesse Jackson, Clarence Thomas, Tyler “flip wilson” Perry and America’s favorite house negro, Travis Smiley. Condi is pleased and she will be seated by Ann Coulter. They are both laughing and having some wine. Condi is taking some time off she doesn’t wanna hear about Black History Month she is spending some quality time with her Republican and Christian friends.
Harry Belafonte is an icon in Black America, especially among those who remember his deep involvement in our struggles over the decades. When he called Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell "house Negroes," only a minority of Black people were upset. And George Bush's name is anathema to the vast bulk of African Americans, especially after Katrina. Belafonte can say anything he wants about Bush, and most of us will applaud.
House Negro is a pejorative term for a black person, comparing them to a servant inside the house of a master during slavery. The term comes from a speech by Malcolm X where he explains that during slavery, there were two kinds of slaves, "House Negroes" who worked in the master's house and "Field Negroes" who performed the manual labor outside. He characterizes the House Negro as having a better life than the field negro, and thus unwilling to leave the plantation. The speech can be taken both literally and figuratively. It is similar but distinct from Uncle Tom.
Text of speech
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