Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scariest Halloween Ever

2008 Chapter 1

Halloween is near and it's scary here
As I roll into Washington D.C.
Politicians are out, exercising their clout
Unashamed, for all to see.

"We're headed for hell if we don't pass this bill"
Was their frantic anxious scream
So they took out the fork and loaded some pork
To gather the pigs to the team

Maverick McCain vowed, "I‘ll change the game
I will veto all bills loaded up"
The bailout came by with a load from the sty
He marked ‘yes' and dropped in the cup

Barack is in lock with the Democrat stock
What we need are more taxes, you see
"Tax em' to hell  -- "That'll be swell
Then we'll go on a spending spree"

The people have spoken  -- the system is broken
Damn Politicians have their nerve
But we vote em' there, and so I will swear
We get exactly what we deserve

Decorations are out as I look about
Tombstones, coffins, a scary figure masked
Will our Constitution survive or be buried alive
Is a question I think should be asked

2009 Chapter 2 - Makes me blue

A full year has spun and Obama has won
And yet the corruption has spread
ACORN is funny and stimulus money
Has been doled out to the dead

Clunkers and health for spreading the wealth
Are now the things that we hear
We have emptied the store and they still want more
And bankruptcy is now a real fear

Government has grown by ‘The One' on the throne
At an increasingly frantic pace
I think I should mention - we should pay attention
Lest we be crowded out of our space

Do we now give thanks that we own the banks
And the business of building the cars
Are we led by the nose as we sleepily doze
Is freedom slipping away to the Czars

Nikita pounded his shoe -- said ‘We'll bury you
We will do it by working within"
The media blight is now far left of right
We should be aware of the spin

Esau the fool traded birthright for gruel
Therein is lesson to be learned
Will there come a day we give the Constitution away
In exchange for mere tax dollars returned

Let us rise from the grime -- I think we have time
To escape the corruption I see
If we just use our brain to get out of the rain
Would you like to join me for tea
by Lee Kayser

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

LAST STRAW: Obama will not allow his Czars to testify before Congress

One cannot even finish a LAST STRAW post about the Czars before Obama piles on another load of s.... traw.

It was bad enough that the Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg was responsible for the decision to slash corporate pay at the bailed out banks and automakers. Politico reported Oct. 22 that sources within the administration said Feinberg didn't even brief the president.

Politico Article: WH Pay Czar decided on his own by Eamon Javers

Then, another day and another LAST STRAW. A report by YID with LID details how Obama is intentionally and insidiously circumventing the Constitution with his Czars and he has now proved it by openly stating that his Czars will not be allowed to testify before Congress.

The Washington Times reports on Oct. 23:
Sen. Susan Collins, Maine Republican, said White House counsel Greg Craig told her in a meeting Wednesday that they will not make available any of the czars who work in the White House and don't have to go through Senate confirmation. She said he was "murky" on whether other czars outside of the White House would be allowed to come before Congress.

Miss Collins said that doesn't make sense when some of those czars are actually making policy or negotiating on behalf of Mr. Obama.

"I think Congress should be able to call the president's climate czar, Carol Browner, the energy and environment czar, to ask her about the negotiations she conducted with the automobile industry that led to very significant policy changes with regard to emissions standards," Miss Collins said at a hearing Thursday that examined the proliferation of czars.
(The Camel's Back will be taking a close look at the CzarNation in the near future.)

 James Madison: Federalist #48
It is agreed on all sides, that the powers properly belonging to one of the departments ought not to be directly and completely administered by either of the other departments. It is equally evident, that none of them ought to possess, directly or indirectly, an overruling influence over the others, in the administration of their respective powers. It will not be denied, that power is of an encroaching nature, and that it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it. After discriminating, therefore, in theory, the several classes of power, as they may in their nature be legislative, executive, or judiciary, the next and most difficult task is to provide some practical security for each, against the invasion of the others.

Cute song and video if you can stand the 'not so great' singing

Twinkle, twinkle little Czar
Gee, I wonder what you are...
How'd you get that job so high
Can you please just tell us why?

Monday, October 26, 2009

LAST STRAW: Juan Williams is called a "Porch Negro"

Juan Williams is a left-leaning, liberal commentator who appears regularly on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News 'OPINION' show. (Emphasis is added to 'opinion' for anyone that has a problem distinguishing between news and opinion.)

Juan can be counted on to excuse and defend almost every idiotic liberal person or idea except, unlike many liberals, he has integrity and won't excuse or defend the indefensible. One such case was the attack on Rush Limbaugh. It was his stance that the attacks on Rush Limbaugh were wrong is what led Warren Ballentine to call him a "porch monkey."

That was the LAST STRAW for Juan Williams and he took Ballentine to task. But the story can be better told by these video clips than my keyboard.

Warren Ballentine calls Juan Williams a "Porch Negro"

Juan Williams strikes back

Juan Williams

Bill O'Reilly talks to Juan Williams


Juan Williams experiences with the Liberal Left has opened Juan's eyes to what everyone on the Right already knew. There is nothing tolerant about the Left. They do not accept any words, opinions, actions or indeed thoughts that are contrary to their ideology. The Liberal/Left will demonize anyone who disagrees with them; even their own.

I don't know what the Moonbat blogs and so-called 'news' shows on the Demwitted Networks are saying about Juan, but I'll bet what is being thrown at him is not nearly as bad as what Right-Wing Blacks have gotten. But either way, Juan is in good company... Condi Rice, JC Watts, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele...

Some of the examples of liberal vile is disgusting that I can't post them even as examples of what we are fight against. (Eph 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.)

This video was shot by WKRN Video Journalist Beau Fleenor at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee. The Question: "Rev. Al Sharpton, Do you believe that political leaders such as Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell are viewed as "house Negroes" by other African Americans, by going along with the President against their beliefs?"

Condi is tired she needs a time out exercise. It’s Ladies Week at the Cabin and she’s the first house niggette to check in. She is very proud of her achievements -Condi doesn’t want to hear anything about this black stuff. It’s bores her! She is invited to a Shindig held in the Cabin by the Fox News and Friends. The Cabin Landlord Sean Hannity is the host of this gala event. He greets Condi and tells her how proud he is to be in her presence.

Condi is introduced to Michael Steele, Colin Powell, Larry Elder, Prince, Jesse Jackson, Clarence Thomas, Tyler “flip wilson” Perry and America’s favorite house negro, Travis Smiley. Condi is pleased and she will be seated by Ann Coulter. They are both laughing and having some wine. Condi is taking some time off she doesn’t wanna hear about Black History Month she is spending some quality time with her Republican and Christian friends.

Harry Belafonte is an icon in Black America, especially among those who remember his deep involvement in our struggles over the decades. When he called Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell "house Negroes," only a minority of Black people were upset. And George Bush's name is anathema to the vast bulk of African Americans, especially after Katrina. Belafonte can say anything he wants about Bush, and most of us will applaud.

House Negro is a pejorative term for a black person, comparing them to a servant inside the house of a master during slavery. The term comes from a speech by Malcolm X where he explains that during slavery, there were two kinds of slaves, "House Negroes" who worked in the master's house and "Field Negroes" who performed the manual labor outside. He characterizes the House Negro as having a better life than the field negro, and thus unwilling to leave the plantation. The speech can be taken both literally and figuratively. It is similar but distinct from Uncle Tom.


Text of speech

Saturday, October 24, 2009

LAST STRAW: Democrats want to give ACORN supervisory position in new government agency

The public has been outraged over the videos of ACORN employees (giving advice on how to get around the law to who they thought was a prostitute and her pimp) ... And if that isn't enough to cast away ACORN, there is the investigations for numerous infractions of the law including misuse of government funds and the use of strong-arm tactics and extortion in demanding money and mortgage partnerships from a number of financial and lending institutions.

BUT... the LAST STRAW is the Democrat's continued support and protection of ACORN. They just can't seem to stop!

In considering legislation to create the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) Democrats voted to accept an amendment to HR by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) that will make ACORN eligible for a board position that plays a role in setting regulations for financial institutions.

Trading Markets Magazine reports that the Waters amendment would add five representatives to the Oversight Board from fields of “consumer protection, fair lending and civil rights , representatives of depository institutions that primarily serve under-served communities, or representatives of communities that have been significantly impacted by higher-priced mortgages to join Federal banking regulators in advising the Director on the consistency of proposed regulations, and strategies and policies that the Director should undertake to enforce its rules.”

Trading Markets points out how the move will create an enormous, government-sanctioned, conflict of interest. ACORN and other similar organizations would have a supervisory role in regulating financial institutions from whom they receive millions annually in direct contributions and special partnership arrangements.

ACORN and the others are the same organizations that pressured banks to make sub-prime mortgage loans and thus bear a major responsibility for the collapse of the housing market.

See the full article:

Friday, October 23, 2009

THE LAST STRAW: Bush Blamed for Obama's Dithering

The WH says it is possible that Obama MIGHT make a decision about sending the additional troops requested by Gen. McChrystal before the run-off elections in Afghanistan.

Obama's continued dithering is bad enough, but the LAST STRAW for VP Dick Cheney was this lying statement by Rahm Emanuel:
(the president is) “asking the questions that have never been asked on the civilian side, the political side, the military side and the strategic side. It’s clear that basically we had a war for eight years that was going on, that’s adrift, that we’re beginning at scratch, just at the starting point… and that there’s not a security force, an army, and the types of services that are important for the Afghans to become a true partner.”
Cheney gave a speech to the Center for Security Policy on Wednesday and not only chided the president on his dithering, he exposed White House lies. Cheney said the details of Barack Obama's Afghanistan policy (released in March) were, for the most part, the same strategies detailed in the Bush Administrations’s Afghanistan assessment.
(Obama administration's embrace of a counterinsurgency strategy announced in March) "bears a striking resemblance to the strategy we passed to them. "Now they seem to be pulling back and blaming others for their failure to implement the strategy they embraced," he said. "It's time for President Obama to do what it takes to win a war he has repeatedly and rightly called a war of necessity."
When the assessment was given to the Obama transition team, they requested the Bush team to keep it quite. Cheney said that they gave Obama the benefit of doubt and, for the good of the country, agreed to allow Obama to present it as his plan. All Obama's team had to do was act like men of honor, but NO, as soon as Obama gets questioned or criticized they have to find someone to blame (usually Bush) even if they have to lie and make something up.

Cheney was also blunt and bold in discussing the Obama's lack of decision about General McCrystal's troop request:
"Having announced his Afghanistan strategy last March, President Obama now seems afraid to make a decision, and unable to provide his commander on the ground with the troops he needs to complete his mission," he said, calling on Obama to fulfill a promise he made in August to armed forces in a speech at the VFW to give them the support and resources need to get the job done. "It's time for President Obama to make good on his promise," he said. "The White House must stop dithering while America's armed forces are in danger."

"Make no mistake, signals of indecision out of Washington hurt our allies and embolden our adversaries," he added. "Waffling, while our troops on the ground face an emboldened enemy, endangers them and hurts our cause."

Link to Cheney's Speech: TRANSCRIPT and VIDEO


Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog posted the following open letter to the president from the soldiers in the field. Everyone needs to read it, especially THE ONE that never will...
Mr. President,
You were elevated to the highest office in the land, a position that until recently held the the status of “Leader of the Free World’.

While you sit in the Oval Office, struggling to make the important decisions regarding our economy, regarding Wall Street, and regarding health care, those of us who take up the arms on a daily basis to protect the very freedoms that elevated you to your present office are waiting to see what type of true leader you are going to be.

Around the world, the Armed Forces of the United States take up the cause of freedom. To that end, in your own campaign, you vilified our great previous Commander regarding his strategies in Iraq, and vowed that you would focus the efforts of the United States in the Afghanistan/Pakistan theater. To that end, in March of this year, you announced a counter-insurgency strategy to be spearheaded by the architect of the Iraqi surge, Gen. Stanley McChrystal. As we have now been told, the strategy you announced was the direct result of the efforts of the Bush White House.

The General has requested, nearly two months ago, for an increase in our troop levels. To date, you have had minimal time to address this issue. We understand the importance of your trip to Copenhagen to make the sales pitch for Olympics in Chicago, as well as the Camp David “vacation after Martha”s Vineyard” vacation. We understand the need to travel to San Francisco, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Boston to campaign and fund raise on behalf of your fellow Democrats. Gov. Deval Patrick will need that additional $600k in his coffers, and we see that even the big name of your office isn’t helping Gov. Corzine, Creigh Deeds, “Friend of Angelo Countrywide” Sen. Dodd, or Harry Reid.

Perhaps, just as a suggestion from someone out at the forefront, maybe you could bypass more campaigning in Jacksonville and Miami this coming week, and maybe take a cue from your predecessor.. Come visit your troops!! Bumbling Joe is great fun, but we would really like to be able to sit down for one of our great meals with you and discuss our efforts, our views, our commitments on behalf of the country you keep apologizing for. We would request that you spend a little bit more time here than you did in New Orleans recently.

We can promise you the respect that your office is due, but we cannot offer you the photo ops of children asking why”people hate ObamaCare”. In fact, the respect would be even greater if the trip was not used as a publicity tour (that is why the Honorable President George W. Bush made unannounced visits to join us).

In closing, Mr. President, we appreciate the enormity of your job, but we ask that you remember that your life and safety forevermore is protected by our great Secret Service… Our lives are on the line daily to assure yours remains free!!
Respectfully, The Brave Soldiers of the United States Armed Forces

May God bless our brave men and women in the military and all I can say is, so sorry this country let you down last November.

Images can be much more powerful that phony words that are culled from focus groups and polls then spoken with the aid of a teleprompter. I can't fault Obama for not knowing how to salute; I would have no idea how. But if I were elected as President and Commander in Chief, I would make sure that I learned how to properly execute a proper salute long before being inaugurated.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

LAST STRAW: White House Tries to Shut Out Fox

The White House disabused everyone of the notion that the attack on Fox News Channel was just sword rattling on Thursday when they attempted to get the cooperation of the rest of the news organizations in an actual boycott of Fox. The Treasury Department announced that they would make the new pay czar, Ken Feinberg, available for interviews with the White House media pool... except for Fox

This was the LAST STRAW for the other networks. With the exception of a pointed question at a White House briefing this week by Jake Tapper, an ABC News correspondent, about the administration’s treatment of “one of our sister organizations.” the Main Stream Media (aka Marginal Sycophant Media) had only made a few lame observations and objections to Obama Administration's attempts to marginalize and ostracize Fox News... (along with anyone else that dared to question or criticize the administration or any of its policies.)

The White House has not made any secret of its deliberate campaign to squash any significant dissent. The other media's objections, thus far, has probably been half-hearted since Fox's ratings so far out distances the others (more than CNN and MSNBC combined) that they probably couldn't get themselves too enthusiastic about defending Fox, hoping, perhaps secretly, that Fox might be brought down a few notches.

But the LAST STRAW came when the White House's attempt to involve the other medias in treating Fox like a 'wanna be' escalated to an actual boycott. To their credit, the other networks finally found their cajones and stood against the tactic and told the White House that if Fox News was excluded, none of them would participate. The White House backed down.

I saw the following video a few days ago... it is creepy how much it makes me think about ObamaNation. Now even more so...

Click on READ MORE for articles and reads

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

THE LAST STRAW: Scaring Kids over Global Warming

Even if you believe that global warming is a dire threat to survival of the planet, and even if you believe that people going about their daily lives are a major contributing cause of global warming... scaring little kids is THE LAST STRAW!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

LAST STRAW: Illegal Aliens are Offended

Target had this Illegal Alien costume (complete with green card) on its web site until groups that support illegal aliens complained that it was racist and offensive. It is bad enough that there are people that actually want illegal aliens* to have  the same respect and all  benefits as American citizens or, at the very least, legal immigrants. But the LAST STRAW is that they think illegal aliens have the right to be offended by a creative costume that is more than anything a humorous play on words and perhaps a light-hearted take on a serious issue and call those that  think it's funny, racist.
It ain't Racism, Stupid.
An illegal alien can be white, black, brown, purple or green... Common Sense Americans don't care. It doesn't matter where the illegals come from, be it Mexico, South America, Asia, or outer space! The key word right-thinking, reasonable people is ILLEGAL!!!

Most Americans are quite happy to welcome those that wish to make the US their home. As long as they do want to join us, rather than trying to turn us into the country where they don't want to live. But, most Americans (except for the moonbats) are very much against allowing this flood of illegals to come in and use up resources that could be used to benefit more of our citizens. Take note of that key word... ILLEGAL.

Just because the criminal facilitators in this country want everyone to turn a blind eye and pretend that folks aren't here illegally, the fact is... THEY ARE HERE AND THEY ARE ILLEGAL! I, for one, am offended that they come here illegally, demand respect and benefits, and then actually have the audacity to get offended if someone happens to notice and point out that they are ILLEGAL!

If you are here illegally, and some people don't like it; deal with it... cowboy up... put your grown-up panties on.  You choose to be ILLEGAL, so don't use your moonbat thugs to try to bully American citizens into pretending that you aren't.

* I know that the current acceptable phrase is undocumented immigrants, but I refuse to let the moonbats** dictate the language or define the debate.
** Moonbat: My word of choice for Liberals (aka Progressives)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

THE LAST STRAW: Al Sharpton wants to sue Rush

Rush getting attacked by a coalition of media, Black talking heads, and an assortment of other Moonbats was bad enough, but THE LAST STRAW is when Al (not the sharpest knife in the drawer) Dullton wants to sue Rush for telling the truth after he had rushed to get his ugly mug in front of the nearest TV camera so he could tell lies about Rush.

And if Mr. (he ain't no Rev in my book) Sharpton wants to sue me for saying he has an ugly mug, he best learn that... IT AIN'T LIBEL IF IT'S TRUE!!!

Limbaugh's Statement defending himself against Sharpton's lies.

"As I explained on my radio show, this spectacle is bigger than I am on several levels. There is a contempt in the news business, including the sportswriter community, for conservatives that reflects the blind hatred espoused by Messrs. Sharpton and Jackson. "Racism" is too often their sledgehammer. And it is being used to try to keep citizens who don't share the left's agenda from participating in the full array of opportunities this nation otherwise affords each of us. It was on display many years ago in an effort to smear Clarence Thomas with racist stereotypes and keep him off the Supreme Court. More recently, it was employed against patriotic citizens who attended town-hall meetings and tea-party protests."

Click on READ MORE to see information about Sharpton's involvement in the Crown Heights riot and the Freddie Fashion Mart incident.

THE LAST STRAW: Using a kid to punk America

All of America and much of the world watched, prayed and worried for two hours as this runaway flying saucer balloon, that supposedly held a young boy, was blown for many miles while being tracked by news helicopters and rescue workers before coming down in a wheat field. When it was discovered that the boy was not inside, we all spent three more hours hoping and praying that the young boy was hiding (afraid of getting in trouble) instead of his little broken body lying somewhere; waiting to be found.

We were all so relieved to find out little Falcon Heene had indeed been hiding. Then newscaster began questioning whether it was a hoax. I was upset by the speculations because it put a cloud of suspicion over this family that might not be deserved. Now that it looks like it really was a hoax... I am much more upset and angry... Angry that parents would treat a child like this... Angry that people would abuse rescue worker's time and resources... Angry at being fooled.

The only thing Americans hate worse than being lied to is being made fools of!!!

These folks have even more reason to be angry.

Balloon Landing Turns Crop to Crap
The infamously boy-less balloon caused even more trouble than we thought on Thursday -- because its landing also wreaked havoc on a valuable wheat crop desperately needed by a local family.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

THE LAST STRAW Piled on by Starbucks

If paying an excessive amount for coffee that can't compare to Dunkin Donuts isn't enough to make you stop spending your bucks at Starbucks, how about having liberal progressive propaganda served up with your morning latte? "The Way I See It" quotations printed on the side of Starbucks coffee cups aren't always left-wing — but they mostly are. A few samples:

The Way I See It # 347 — "Why in moments of crisis do we ask God for strength and help? As cognitive beings, why would we ask something that may well be a figment of our imaginations for guidance? Why not search inside ourselves for the power to overcome? After all, we are strong enough to cause most of the catastrophes we need to endure." — Bill Schell, Starbucks customer from London, Ontario, Canada

The Way I See It # 230 — "Heaven is totally overrated. It seems boring. Clouds, listening to people play the harp. It should be somewhere you can't wait to go, like a luxury hotel. Maybe blue skies and soft music were enough to keep people in line in the 17th century, but Heaven has to step it up a bit. They're basically getting by because they only have to be better than Hell" — Joel Stein, columnist for the Los Angeles Times

The Way I See It # 43 — "My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long. I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too d*mn short." — Armistead Maupin, Homosexual Novelist

Honestly, the cup propaganda didn't faze me partly because I don't partake of Starbucks that often and I never even noticed the quotes behind the cardboard sleeve. However, it must have bothered enough people who bothered to register their complaints because Starbucks added a disclaimer to their website and more right-leaning quotes to their cups.

The new efforts have included an ad that is full of Obamarama code words even though he is not mentioned directly.

But Starbucks has piled on the LAST STRAW and broke the camel's back when they started ridiculing the patriots who spoke up at the Townhalls this summer.