Thursday, November 12, 2009

LAST STRAW: Yet another Empty Suit Summit

Obama announced that he will hold a Jobs Summit in December. He said the White House forum will gather CEOs, small business owners, economists, financial experts and representatives from labor unions and nonprofit groups "to talk about how we can work together to create jobs and get this economy moving again."

"We all know that there are limits to what government can and should do, even during such difficult times. But we have an obligation to consider every additional, responsible step that we can take to encourage and accelerate job creation in this country," he said.

He added that the forum is intended to prevent making "any ill-considered decisions -- even with the best intentions -- particularly at a time when our resources are so limited. But it's just as important that we are open to any demonstrably good idea to supplement the steps we've already taken to put America back to work."


This is my interpretation of what Obama was really thinking when he decided to have another summit.
It is clear from the polls and Fox News that those tea-bagging right-wing Nazi's are so wrapped up in their stupid little lives that they will never understand my magnificent plans for transforming America. Maybe, I could appoint a Jobs Czar. It might get those wee-wee'd up extremists off my back about the czars. Nah, too risky.

Hmmmm... Now what bone could I throw these rabid dogs that will keep them quiet long enough to get health care passed? Hmmm... I got it! Oh, Barry you even impress me. They are so worried about their unimportant, little, dead-end jobs I will make them think that I am really concerned and trying to do something about creating jobs. National Job Fair? Doesn't sound grand enough. Has to be something simple enough for the yokels to understand but important sounding so they will believe that I really am doing something.

Summit... that's the ticket, we haven't had a summit in at least a couple of weeks. Yeah, we'll have us a Job Summit. I can do the  slow, serious, deliberation thing again... I won't have to do anything stupid and boring like help out small business or (shudders) lower taxes. Plus it will also shore up the Afghanistan stall ruse. And by the time they start suspecting that nothing is going to get done, the health care bill will be passed.

Oh, O... O... My genius just amazes even me... I can use the Job Summit to buy health care votes from certain Senators by letting them have their pet projects disguised as job creation programs. It's win, win... I get health care, the Senators get their pork and the deluded dolts can go back to docilely having their tea parties at their kitchen tables instead of the townhalls.

Hey Guys, We're going to have a Job Summit. Have the screenwriter put together a speech that will convince the rubes that I really care.

An empty suit is defined as an ineffectual executive or politician who is not effectively performing the job for which they were elected.

While that description definitely applies to Obama, there’s an old Texas saying that also reminds me of Obama “All hat and no cattle.” That describes a person that is all talk and no substance or action.

Originally used in reference to cowboy wannabes. People who wore the hats, but had no experience on the ranch -- thus, all hat and no cattle. Similar to talking the talk without walking the walk (which was originally used in reference to wannabe gunslingers).

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