TREASON - This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.Giving these terrorists months and probably years a worldwide, front-page stage to continue their attacks upon the United States of America could be construed as giving the enemy aid. And that is just the start of what is so wrong-headed with this decision... it is an open invitation for terrorists to hit NYC again... there is the millions or billions this will cost... the damage it will do to our intelligence agencies is incalculable. And it is all being done for petty, small-minded, self-serving reasons.
The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offense is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Do we even have to point out that this is yet another example of Obama's cowardliness. Have you noticed how many times he leaves it to his minions to make announcements about decisions he knows are going to be unpopular. He avoids the issue if possible and addresses it only if forced to or after the furor has died down.
And even then, he often claims he was not involved. Remember the decision to open up the investigation of possible violations of law by CIA agents that he had previously said he was not going to do? He blamed that on Holder and said he, as president, did not want to interfere in legal affairs. How about the Pay Czar cutting CEO salaries? Notice that the announcement was made on a Friday and while Obama was conveniently out of the country?
I don't include more links and info here like I normally do, because one does not need to back-up, link or justify this opinion. All it takes is common sense to know how wrong it is to try terrorists in civilian court.
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