Thursday, November 05, 2009

LAST STRAW: Obama gives a Shout Out and some remarks to the Native American gathering before speaking about the shooting at Fort Hood.

I was watching the news for Obama's comments on the shooting at Fort Hood and was stunned when he did a Shout Out and made some remarks to the Native Indian conference before mentioning the shooting. I questioned my reaction, wondering if it was just because I dislike Obama he sounded like he felt inconvenienced because he couldn't make the broader remarks he had planned. Check out the video for yourself.

VIDEO NOTE: In his initial televised remarks following the devastating American tragedy, Barack Obama first addresses White House conference attendees -- even giving one a chummy "shout-out" -- before finally turning his attention towards the horrific mass killing at the Ft. Hood Army base in Texas.

While waiting for my sweetie to get home from work, I visited some discussion boards, just to feel a connection with others that were also upset over what happened to our soldiers on our homeland. It turns out that others got the same feeling from Obama's remarks that I did.

Obama’s Pet-Goat Moment?
by Linda Chavez

“We still don’t know what was behind the killings at Ft. Hood this afternoon, in which 11 soldiers and the killer died, but President Obama’s rushed press conference was surprising in its flippancy nonetheless. Before he got to the issue on everyone’s mind — namely the deaths of Americans in uniform — the president gave a “shout-out” to government bureaucrats gathered for a previously scheduled conference at the Interior Department, complete with appreciative chuckles. He treated the event like a pep rally rather than a tragic occasion with a wider audience than those gathered in the room. I wonder how many media outlets will compare Obama’s performance to President Bush’s “Pet Goat” moment on 9/11. I won’t hold my breath.”

Obama Fort Hood Tragedy - shame on you Obama
“During the Presidential address on Nov. 5, 2009, President Obama gave a shout out to his friend, and continued talking about his Native American meeting instead of addressing the nation in the tragedy that took place at Fort Hood. He was more concern about his image then the status of our service men and women, and how worried their families were. At 5 pm we needed a leader, not a politician. Obama, shame on you! You failed to lead when we needed you to.”

This next comment addresses what many of us are thinking whether we are saying it out loud or not.

President Obama called the shootings “tragic” and “a horrific outburst of violence.” (CNN)
“The horror and atrocity mass murders that occurred today at Fort Hood were not a “tragedy”; a car crash is a tragedy, the Titanic disaster is a tragedy, the lost Dickinson University students is a tragedy. More accurately, the result of this attack of cruel murder and treason was a tragedy, a tragedy for the victims and their families and for the entire country. The tragedy was a result of jihad. Jihad is Islamic warfare against the unbelievers.

The country is in mourning this evening because a traitor murdered his former comrades specifically because of his Islamic beliefs. There is no other explanation for this horror. The jihadist officer killed non-believers because that is what Allah and Mohammed command.  Jihad is an obligation for every adherent of this ideology; there is no option. Jihad is the finest thing any adherent of Islam can do. It is the epitome of Islamism. We must accept the truth of Islam -that it is hostile and violent- and protect ourselves, our culture and country (and our friends) from this menace that is Islamic supremacism and jihad against us all.”

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